Sadie Stewart

Sadie Stewart


Sadie has worked at the Audit Office of Guyana for 13 years. She currently works as an Auditor in the Performance Audit Department, where she has 10 years’ experience. She has also been involved in other audits at the Office, such as those of Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank programs in Guyana. She holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the Australian Institute of Business and a Bachelor of Social Science in Public Management from the University of Guyana

My goals for the Fellowship

As a CAAF Fellow, I hope to improve the skills I have acquired for conducting performance audits including planning, examination and report writing. As well, I hope to learn and apply new techniques that can be adopted in my home office to conduct successful, impactful, and value-added performance audits in the future.

The impact I hope to make as a graduate Fellow

As a graduate Fellow, I would like to add value to my office and country by sharing the new knowledge and skills I would have learned with my colleagues through training and development. Furthermore, I would like to increase awareness of what performance auditing is among ministries and agencies and advocate for more performance audits to be conducted.