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Accountability is at its strongest when all participants in the accountability system not only work together but have the knowledge and skills to effectively do their jobs.

A strong accountability system is key for Canadians to get the best value for their tax dollars. Through our capacity development program, CAAF has helped legislative oversight committees understand the importance of performance audits and improve the effectiveness of their committees. CAAF supports oversight committees by providing them with workshops and resources they need to make an impact and improve the delivery of public services. More information about our support to oversight committees can be found here.


Read our 2023 Pre-Budget Submission to House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance

Our current funding model is based on membership dues from the audit community. Although some funding has been allocated to support oversight, we are searching for a stable long-term funding source to expand on our current program. Without dedicated funding, we will not be able to reach oversight bodies who need us.

Not all oversight bodies are able to fund CAAF on their own. Furthermore, not all communities currently benefit from strong accountability systems. Direct funding from the Government of Canada will beter ensure that its federal government, provinces, territories, municipalities, and Indigenous communities build and exercise strong accountability systems within their jurisdictions.

We therefore recommend that the Government of Canada
invest $1 million annually into CAAF's oversight program.

This funding will help CAAF continue to provide tailored capacity development for oversight committees, enable us to undertake research in order to share cutting edge innovations in oversight, develop new workshops that are grounded in research, while also share the importance of accountability with citizens. More specifically, it will allow us to:

  • Sustain our workshops to the Federal Public Accounts Committee
  • Increase the support we provide to Chairs, Vice-Chairs, and support staff
  • Provide workshops to all provincial and territorial oversight committees each year (as requested)
  • Expand our work to include municipalities and Indigenous communities
  • Increase the number of capacity development workshops, tools, and publications we produce
  • Respond to requests to support the Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees


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Endorsement of the Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees

At the Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees’ conference in August 2022, delegates unanimously passed the following motion:

  • Whereas the Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees (CCPAC), appreciates the support and training provided by the Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation (CAAF) to public accounts committees across the country and recognizes that CAAF requires adequate and stable funding to be able to provide continued service and enhance it, and
  • Whereas the CAAF is recognized as a transparent and accountable organization and the CCPAC acknowledges that it would be fully accountable to the federal government if it were granted adequate funding for the oversight and accountability program. The CCPAC proposes the following:
    • That the Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees (CCPAC believes the work of the Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation (CAAF) is invaluable in supporting effective oversight at all orders of government in Canada and endorses the CAAF’s request for adequate funding to the Government of Canada.

Letters of Support

Opinion Editorials | Articles


Federal government support of the oversight program would allow CAAF to expand its reach into Indigenous communities. Through a research paper commissioned by the Assembly of First Nations and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, CAAF explored the potential for a First Nations Auditor General.

This contributed to the discussion around an accountability framework that could be developed by, and would properly support, Indigenous peoples. CAAF is well positioned to partner with Indigenous communities and Indigenous Services Canada to develop and apply an accountability framework that will encompass indigenous traditions to improve the lives of Indigenous peoples.


  • Submit a testimonial which will be published on our webpage and on social media.
  • Send a letter of support to the Minister of Finance and the President of the Treasury Board (and copy us!).
    Click here if you'd like us to provide you with a template.