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Performance Audit Resources

Our resources help public sector performance auditors build capacity and strengthen accountability. These resources include CCAF-FCVI Audit News, Training, Research & Methodology and Events & Presentations.

PAC/Oversight Resources

CCAF’s oversight program supports oversight committee members and their support staff. We provide research, material and professional development workshops to oversight committees both in Canada and abroad.

Our support enables parliamentarians to become familiar with their role and improve the effectiveness of their committees. This includes information on understanding performance audit, and how these audits can help improve public administration.

International Development Program

CCAF works with Canadian partners to provide capacity building support for the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and parliamentary oversight committees of selected developing countries.
  1. Performance Audit Resources
  2. PAC/Oversight Resources
  3. International Development Program

Site de carrières

Affichez votre offre d'emploi avec nous!

Vous pouvez inclure votre offre d'emploi sur notre site de carrières ou dans notre bulletin électronique trimestriel envoyé à plus de 2 500 auditeurs de performance et auditeurs internes au Canada et dans le monde.

Pour plus d'informations sur nos frais, cliquez ici.

Offres d'emplois actuelles

À noter : Les offres d’emploi sont affichées dans la ou les langue(s) de l’organisation qui recrute.

Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Description disponible en anglais seulement

Directeur ou Directrice, Audit interne

Date limite : Ouvert jusqu'à ce que le poste soit pourvu

Kwantlen Polytechnic University is looking for a Director, Internal Audit. The Director provides the Board of Governors and the CFO objective assurance audit services through the delivery of comprehensive, risk-based Internal Audit Plans and provides leadership and administration of all activities related to the Internal Audit department.

Voir l'offre d'emploi complète (en anglais)