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Nna Fatoumata Dramé Diakhaté

Cour des Comptes du Sénégal (Senegal Court of Audit)



My Fellowship

My Canadian placement:

Office of the Auditor General of Quebec (VGQ)

My Canadian audit team:

I participated in a performance audit of the complaints review system in the health and social services network, led by Martin Saint-Louis, Audit Director, with Fabienne Richer, Project Manager.

As part of this audit, I was assigned activities related to audit planning, including determining the roles and responsibilities of audited entities, audit objectives and criteria, and developing the audit program and interview questionnaires.

My most valuable learning:

A performance audit requires good planning of audit activities and regular meetings with team members to share information on work in progress and improve team efficiency.

How my Canadian colleagues and mentors helped me:

I greatly appreciated the professionalism and intellectual generosity of my project manager, Fabienne Richer, who involved me in the entire planning process of our mandate, and the sustained guidance of my mentor, Simon Lauzon, in the conduct of my audit project.

I was also impressed by the members of the performance audit operations support department, in their readiness to share knowledge and professional experience, and particularly their empathy towards us.

What I enjoyed most:

The quality control system put in place for the conduct of the audits, the determination of questions of interest to citizens and the National Assembly in the audit objectives, and the attention paid to the evidence particularly appealed to me.

In addition, the high level of involvement of the Auditor General, Ms. Leclerc, in all the mandates of the office through the input she gives also impressed me.

My audit plan:Implementation of the Equal Opportunities Card

I developed my audit plan with the help of my mentor, Simon Lauzon, Performance Audit Practices Advisor at the VGQ.

The connection to my country’s development priorities:

The inclusion of people with disabilities remains an important issue for our country in the fight against poverty. The Equal Opportunities Card was introduced for people with disabilities to facilitate their access to basic social services, adequate social protection systems and decent jobs. This audit will determine whether the actors involved in the offer of card-based services have taken appropriate measures to enable cardholders to effectively benefit from the rights and advantages associated with it.

This audit is linked to Sustainable Development Goals 3 (good health and well-being for all), 4 (access to quality education), 8 (growth, full employment and decent work), 10 (reduced inequalities ) and 11 (inclusive cities and communities).

How CAAF and my host office helped:

My mentor's invaluable advice on techniques for determining the elements of interest within the subject being considered, formulating appropriate audit objectives and criteria, and good planning practices, enabled me to improve how I structured my audit plan in line with the required standards.

The courses provided by CAAF on conducting successful audits and the practice of the methodological tools put in place by the VGQ for each stage of the audit were also very useful in the development of my audit plan.

The skills and knowledge I improved by developing this plan:

In developing this plan, I learned how to better define objectives and determine relevant audit criteria. I also understood the need to use methodological tools, in particular the audit logic matrix and the audit program, for proper planning of the audit.

My future impact:

The new knowledge I’m most excited to share with my colleagues:

I look forward to sharing planning tools such as the audit logic matrix and the audit program with my colleagues.

I will also work on systematizing quality control in the audit process within the Cour des Comptes. Within the VGQ, the roles and responsibilities of the practitioners, the engagement manager, the quality reviewer and the Auditor General are defined. This type of organization has the advantage of reducing engagement risks and enabling high value-added quality audits.

The difference I hope to make:

The social protection of people with disabilities and their access to basic social services is a prioritized action enshrined in the Plan Sénégal émergent and Senegal's national social protection strategy 2015-2035 to help strengthen their social inclusion.

To this end, I hope to contribute to improving their living conditions by making recommendations that will enable them to effectively benefit from the rights and advantages supported by the Equal Opportunities Card in terms of access to healthcare, rehabilitation, financial assistance, education, vocational training and employment.

My professional goals:

I would like to contribute to the improvement of auditing practices within the Cour des Comptes by sharing the knowledge acquired during training sessions organized by the Court and by putting into practice methodological tools that will ensure the quality of our work.


My Experience


The most Canadian thing I did was…

I watched maple syrup being made in a sugar shack and tasted maple taffy.

My favourite cultural experience in Canada was…

Quebec City's outdoor walking show "Où tu vas quand tu dors en marchant" (Where you go when you sleepwalk). This experience allowed me to wander through a huge park across five universes combining theater, circus, music and visual arts.

Something few Canadians know about my country is…

You can enjoy an exceptional 45-minute walk with lions in Senegal, without leash or chain, in the Fathala reserve in the Fatick region. The lions have been trained to walk with humans since they were very young. All you need to do is hold a stick in your hand, a precious accessory respected by the lions.

My Fellowship experience in one sentence:

A professionally enriching and personally wonderful experience.

My Fellowship in a single word:


Now that I have completed the Fellowship…

I'm ready to lead or take part in successful, high value-added audits within my office, thanks to all the skills and knowledge I've acquired.