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Discussion Papers and Reports

Our Discussion Papers offer new ideas to stimulate discussion and push the boundaries of practice.

Reports provide insight into important oversight or accountability issues to promote awareness among stakeholders and encourage questions and discussions.

Discussion papers are available to our Members only. Login below or register for membership to access.

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Measuring Accountability: CAAF’s 2018 Survey of Public Accounts Committees in Canada

Measuring Accountability: CAAF’s 2018 Survey of Public Accounts Committees in Canada outlines key results from our surveys of PAC clerks and PAC members. The report is structured to present these results based on CAAF’s 15 good practices for effective PACs.

Building and Sustaining Effective Auditor General–Public Accounts Committee Relationships – A Discussion Paper

Building and Sustaining Effective Auditor General–Public Accounts Committee Relationships is a Discussion Paper based on extensive interviews with Auditors General and PAC members (both current and former), as well as existing research. The paper is an invaluable source of information for Auditors, PAC members, and their respective staff.