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Performance Audit Guidance Inventory

December 6, 2023
The Performance Audit Guidance Inventory

The Performance Audit Guidance Inventory – A Compilation of Recent Audit Guidance Documents from Around the WorldWe’ve updated The Performance Audit Guidance Inventory – A Compilation of Recent Audit Guidance Documents from Around the World. This is the 11th edition of this publication.

The Inventory includes documents published by legislative audit offices from around the world over the past decade. It also includes INTOSAI and CAAF documents published over that period.

In the Inventory, auditors will find:

  • best practice guides,
  • backgrounders,
  • discussion papers,
  • checklists, and
  • self-assessment tools.

These documents will help auditors find information on best practices that can prove useful when developing audit plans and selecting audit criteria.

We have listed these guidance documents under 28 different topics. Under each topic, documents are listed from the most recent to the oldest and a hyperlink is provided to access each document online.

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