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Professional Development

Internal Controls and Fraud


Course Objectives

Performance auditors need to develop a solid understanding of internal controls and the role they play in performance audits. Take this course to learn key concepts related to internal controls, including:

  • preventive and detective controls,
  • control design and implementation, and
  • how to identify and assess risks and controls in an audit.

Who Should Participate

This course is for auditors at all levels who want to improve their understanding of internal controls and their ability to:

  • identify and assess key risks and mitigating controls, and
  • consider the impact of risks and controls when developing audit objectives and criteria.


This virtual course is delivered over two days. The course includes a mix of instructor-led content, interactive exercises, and break-out sessions.

Course Outline

Day 1 | 7 hours

  • Overview
  • Accountability in relation to internal controls
  • Risk management basics
  • Risk management and internal control models
  • Risk identification and assessment
  • Internal controls basics

Day 2 | 7 hours

  • Internal controls and risk in the audit process
  • Audit objective link to risk
  • Assessing internal controls
  • Evaluating design, implementation and effectiveness of controls
  • Audit criteria link to controls
  • Closing and course evaluation

View available offerings


Member: $1,129
Non-Member: $1,429

Note: Prices are per person for virtual courses only. Price for in-person courses can be provided upon request.


To request a dedicated offering for your office, please contact training@caaf-fcar.ca.

Note: The course outline above is provided as a guide. Number of hours include teaching time and breaks.


Course hours can be submitted for CPE or CPD credits, subject to approval by IIA, CPA Canada, or other professional associations.