Thumbnail Headshot:
- Fellow Name: Bacary Badiane
- Country: Senegal
- Fellow’s home audit office: Cour des comptes du Sénégal (Senegal Court of Audit)
- Title: Magistrate, Advisor
- Email: bbadiane@courdescomptes.sn
- Audit Plan Topic: Universal access to electricity by 2025
- Canadian Host Office: Office of the Auditor General of Québec
- Grad Quote: "It was an exhilarating experience in terms of the knowledge I gained, but above all in terms of the interpersonal relationships.”
Gallery (2023-2024):
Two experience images (2023-2024):
- Decoration Color: Amber
Profile Headshot:
My Fellowship:
My Canadian placement:
Office of the Auditor General of Quebec (VGQ)
My Canadian audit team:
I was part of:
- A performance audit of Hydro Québec's management of its subsidiaries, led by Audit Director Carl Pelletier
- A performance audit of the Société d'habitation du Québec's assessment of current and future housing needs, led by Audit Director Guillaume Bellemare
My most valuable learning:
The importance of managing the relationship with the audited entity, which must be based on frank collaboration and professionalism.
How my Canadian colleagues and mentors helped me:
I would like to highlight the very positive contribution of my mentors in terms of:
- Determination of the audit objectives and criteria
- Development of the preliminary study report
- The audit logic matrix
- The audit plan
What I enjoyed most:
- The organisation of the work and the accountability of all team members
- The existence of extensive documentation on audit topics
My audit plan:
I developed my audit plan with the guidance of my mentors at the VGQ, Performance Audit Advisors Jean-Louis Mbadinga and Simon Lauzon.
The connection to my country’s development priorities:
The issue of universal access to electricity goes beyond the simple question of its availability. It is linked to the objectives of structural transformation of our economy on the one hand, and of reducing disparities between rural and urban areas on the other, as well as empowering women by providing them with the means to process local products or develop small businesses. Electricity also provides better lighting for schools, access to information and communication technologies and longer hours of study for students (education objective). Health centres equipped with electricity can offer better quality services, such as the preservation of vaccines, surgical interventions and the use of advanced medical equipment (health objective). Street lighting reduces the risk of crime and improves community safety (safety objective).
How CAAF and my host office helped:
The assistance is valuable in more ways than one. It enabled me to upgrade my knowledge of performance auditing in all its theoretical aspects, but above all its practical nature through integration into an audit team at the VGQ. Mentoring was essential to my learning.
The skills and knowledge I improved by developing this plan:
- Determining objectives and criteria
- Identifying audit questions
- Determining the audit procedures
My future impact:
The new knowledge I’m most excited to share with my colleagues:
I intend to share the new knowledge at all levels insofar as there are particularities and similarities in the different phases of the audit between the VGQ and the Cour des comptes du Sénégal. An area of focus will be implementing the audit recommendations through the action plan.
The difference I hope to make:
- Accountability should be made a priority for public action, which will enhance transparency and help identify constraints to the achievement of objectives
- Integrate the SDGs and gender equality into our audits, whether or not the subject being audited addresses them directly or indirectly
My professional goals:
I hope to apply the knowledge I have gained by putting it to the test in the Senegalese performance audit context.
My Experience Part 1:
The most Canadian thing I did was…
Going to an ice rink to watch a hockey game.
My favourite cultural experience in Canada was…
Visiting Calgary and Banff.
My Experience Part 2:
My Fellowship experience in one sentence:
It was an exhilarating experience in terms of the knowledge I gained, but above all in terms of the interpersonal relationships.
My Fellowship in a single word:
Now that I have completed the Fellowship…
I am going to try to apply the good practices I've learned in my day-to-day work.
- Gender: Female
Bacary is a Magistrate at the Cour des comptes du Sénégal, the country’s supreme audit institution, where he is currently a member of the Public Enterprises Chamber. He is a graduate of the École nationale d’administration and holds a master's degree in public law. He served as State Comptroller at the Financial Control of the Presidency of the Republic until 2021 before joining the Cour des comptes through a competitive examination.
My goals for the Fellowship
By participating in the Fellowship, I hope to develop performance auditing skills, understand how to implement them in the Senegalese context, and apply them to my audit plan project.
The impact I hope to make as a graduate Fellow
After my Fellowship, I plan to consolidate the skills I will have acquired with other CAAF graduate Fellows by sharing feedback and implementing performance audit assignments in all areas of the Cour des comptes, within a results-based management context.