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Performance Audit Resources

Our resources help public sector performance auditors build capacity and strengthen accountability. These resources include CCAF-FCVI Audit News, Training, Research & Methodology and Events & Presentations.

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PAC/Oversight Resources

CCAF’s oversight program supports oversight committee members and their support staff. We provide research, material and professional development workshops to oversight committees both in Canada and abroad.

Our support enables parliamentarians to become familiar with their role and improve the effectiveness of their committees. This includes information on understanding performance audit, and how these audits can help improve public administration.

  1. Performance Audit Resources
  2. PAC/Oversight Resources

Advancing Public Sector Audit, Oversight & Governance

All public sector organizations experience some degree of unplanned leave (sick leave, bereavement leave, family emergencies, etc.), which can create management and budgeting challenges: unplanned leave can create significant financial costs, disrupt service delivery and compromise the achievement of organizational objectives. In addition to direct costs (salaries, overtime payments, replacement staff costs and increased workers’ compensation insurance premiums), organizations must also assume the indirect costs of unplanned leave, including disruption to service delivery, lost productivity and adverse impacts on the physical or psychological health of other staff, particularly those who have to perform additional duties due to staff absence. Organizations are also expected to control and reduce the rate of unjustified absence (i.e. taking sick days when not actually sick).

Audits of leave management tend to focus on whether public sector organizations:

  • are effectively and efficiently managing unplanned leave;
  • have adopted and implemented policies, strategies and guidelines to facilitate the management of unplanned leave;
  • have set and met unplanned leave targets;
  • have taken adequate measure to control and reduce the abuse of sick leave benefits;
  • are monitoring unplanned leave, analyzing trends and reporting periodically on the situation to central agencies, Parliament and the public.

Click here for examples of objectives, criteria, findings, recommendations and more