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Audit Tips

Each edition of Audit Tips highlights good practices and provides practical advice for performance auditors on a selected theme.


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100 Tips for Performance AuditorsRead our 100 Tips for Performance Auditors. This publication includes a compilation of tips from previous editions of our Audit Tips series. Our tips cover 15 different topics, from various aspects of the audit process to specific audit topics and new technologies that are changing the audit profession.

6 Tips to Conduct an Effective Audit Interview

Conducting interviews is a key evidence-gathering technique for performance auditors. While auditors can prepare for an interview by reading piles of documents and drafting a structured questionnaire, to be effective they also need to go to the interview with the right attitude.

4 Tips to Write Better Audit Reports

Today's technologies are changing how we communicate and access new information at breakneck speed. Smart phones, tablets and computers are significantly altering how we read and learn. Technology has also changed how reports are—or should be—written. Gone are the days of long, dry, dense reports. To keep people's attention—and keep people reading—we need to think differently about how we write and present information.