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Attributes of an Effective PAC

Continuity and Training

Continuity and Training

Continuity of Membership

Substitutions and turnover in membership can undermine the training and familiarization of members with the unique function of the PAC.

Practices to Consider
  • Ensure that standing orders allow PAC members to be appointed for the life of the legislature.
  • Discourage the substitution of members wherever possible.

Professional Skills and Experience

Financial literacy and knowledge of the machinery of government can enhance the effectiveness of PAC members. Training and support can increase members’ understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

Practices to Consider
  • Provide in-depth orientation and make training material available for new PAC members.
  • Provide special orientations to the Chair and Vice-Chair on their roles and 
  • Create a learning syllabus for PAC members.
  • Expose PAC members to developments and practice highlights in other 
  • Provide guidance to members on how to best focus on the issues at hand, 
    ask questions, build up their knowledge of the machinery of government and public sector management, and increase their financial literacy and familiarity with non-financial performance information.
  • Encourage the appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs with substantial 
    legislative experience.

Practice Highlights

  • British Columbia’s PAC receives briefings at the start of a new legislature from the committee clerk, the Auditor General and the Comptroller General regarding their respective roles.
  • In the Northwest Territories, officials from the Office of the Auditor General of Canada provided advice on “best practices” prior to the PAC’s first set of public hearings.
  • In New Brunswick following the 2010 elections, the newly constituted PAC and Crown Corporations Committee received a three-hour orientation session on their role and the role of the Auditor General.
  • In Quebec, a member’s guide is prepared for the beginning of each legislature to brief members on recent work of the PAC as well as its practices and operations.
  • CCAF provides orientation workshops to PACs following elections, and other topic-specific workshops during the life of the legislature.