Applying a “Gender Lens” to Audit Topic Selection and Definition
Applying a “gender lens” to audit topic selection and definition involves assessing individual organizations and programs as well as government-wide initiatives to determine whether gender equality is a relevant and significant issue in their context. For example, auditors should consider the following questions:
Additional considerations that should be factored into selecting and defining the audit topic include the:
- significance of the gender equality issue(s) to the audit office, to the auditee, and to the government as a whole;
- political will within the audit office and the administration of the auditee to support such an audit;
- availability of experts and gender-based analytical tools to support the audit team;
- existence of quantitative sex-disaggregated data, including trend data, to analyze and use as evidence; and
- availability of sufficient resources to examine gender equality issues within the scope of the audit.