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Board of Directors

Denise Hanrahan

Denise Hanrahan, CPA, CMA, MBA, ICD.D

Auditor General of Newfoundland and Labrador

Denise Hanrahan was appointed through a resolution of the House of Assembly for a 10 year term as Auditor General effective April 22, 2021. Reporting to the House of Assembly and serving the people of Newfoundland and Labrador, she leads and directs independent audits to advise on how well the provincial government is managing its public funds, programs and services.

Prior to her appointment as Auditor General, she served as the Secretary to the Treasury Board, a position she has held since 2017. She has previously held executive positions within the public service, including Deputy Minister of Finance, Assistant Deputy Minister, Financial Planning and Benefits Administration with the Department of Finance and Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic and Corporate Services with the former Department of Transportation and Works. She has also held several director level positions within the public service, and in 2006 she was awarded a Public Service Award of Excellence. Before joining the public service in 2002, Ms. Hanrahan held numerous leadership positions within the retail, wholesale, and not-for-profit sectors.

Ms. Hanrahan holds Bachelor of Commerce (co-op) and Masters of Business Administration degrees from Memorial University and is a Chartered Professional Accountant. She has completed a Masters Certificate in Project Management through York University’s Schulich School of Business, the Directors Education Program through the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management and has obtained her director designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors.


Michèle Galipeau, FCPA, FCA

Former Auditor General of the City of Montreal


Michael Pickup, FCPA, FCA

Former Auditor General of British Columbia


Richard Arthurs, FCPA, FCMA, MBA, CIA, CRMA, CFE, QIAL

Partner, Enterprise Risk Services, and National Internal Audit Services Leader, MNP

Jorge da Silva, CPA, CMA, CIA, CISA

Former Executive Auditor
Inter-American Development Bank

Clinton Griffiths, CPA, CA, CIA, CISA, CRM, CDMP

Associate Partner, Orbis Risk Consulting

Denise Hanrahan, CPA, CMA, MBA, ICD.D

Auditor General of Newfoundland and Labrador

Meg Hillier

Dame Meg Hillier, MP

Member of Parliament (United Kingdom) for Hackney South and Shoreditch

Steve Marcotte, CPA, CA

Partner, Assurance, PwC National Capital Region

Darren Noonan, CPA, CA

Auditor General of Prince Edward Island

Hock-Chye Ong, Ph. D

Former Auditor General of the Asian Development Bank

Melissa Robertson

Melissa Robertson, CPA

Principal, Research & Thought Leadership, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada

The Honourable Kevin Sorenson, P.C.

Member of Parliament (Canada) for Battle River-Crowfoot (retired)